Thinking Deeply

Since the invention of the first computers, a primary goal of scientists and developers has been to create a machine that is capable of learning and thinking autonomously from experiences presented to it. Any computer capable of doing this would clearly, provided with modern supercomputer processing power, soon be able to outthink the brightest humans. […]

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Rise of the Robots; Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

For centuries, scientists, philosophers, fiction writers and others have mused upon the possibility, and possible outcomes, of introducing robotics into our daily lives. Some have seen this as a positive, removing the need for much of our daily drudgery (see C3PO and R2-D2), some have been ambivalent, viewing it as a positive that could turn […]

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Intelligence Quotidian

It’s something that was the dream of science fiction writers even before the dawn of computing, the concept that human beings could invent machines that would mimic or even surpass our intelligence and become part of our daily lives, the quotidian. To many, this still seems a far-fetched notion, but look around: artificial intelligence is […]

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Computers thinking like us?

From the earliest days of computing, it has been both a dream and a science-fiction nightmare to create computers that are capable of thinking like human beings. Generally, people would put such possibilities – now fast becoming realities – into the category of Artificial Intelligence, but in fact there is a new kid on the […]

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Google Health

Google has hit the headlines recently. Unusually not for the work that it has done on the more usually understood areas of home computing, its platforms or education. This time in the area of health. Google Health Google Health recently announced the results of a study. It indicates Artificial Intelligence could be more effective in […]

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The Revolution Will Be Digitised

The digital revolution is frequently referred to as the third great revolution for humanity. It follows on from the Agricultural Revolution, which effectively allowed us to create our city dwelling civilisations. The Industrial Revolution allowed us to make a massive mess of our cities. So, what will the Digital Revolution ultimately do for humanity remains […]

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